First time playing at Bandarama a high note for performer


Courtesy Jason Dunklee

The author sets up before Bandarama 2019 in the Watertown High School gym on Tuesday, March 12.

Have you ever heard of Bandarama? Well, this year I was in it.

Bandarama took place at Watertown High School in the gym on March 12, 2019. Bandarama is a concert for Watertown kids in third grade through high school.

I was playing the violin. I’m a fourth-grader and started playing violin last October. Bandarama was exciting, scary, and fun at the same time. The gym was very loud and full of people.

We had to wear a white shirt and black pants. This is called concert dress. I brought my violin, my music stand, and my violin book. When we got to the gym, we practiced the songs for the concert.

I played two songs: “My Shot” from “Hamilton” and “String Explosion”. My favorite part was seeing the expressions on people’s faces when the announcer said we were playing “My Shot”. One lady was very surprised and excited and I noticed some people even got teary-eyed!

After, we packed up our things and found our parents and went home.  

Courtesy Jason Dunklee
Musicians and teachers from all five schools in Watertown, Mass., participated in Bandarama 2019 in the Watertown High School gym on Tuesday, March 12.
Courtesy Jason Dunklee
The author sets up before Bandarama 2019 in the Watertown High School gym on Tuesday, March 12.

–March 13, 2019–